
Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Interview With Megan Whalen Turner: Part 2

Here is the second part of the interview Deirdre, Mary and I did with Megan Whalen Turner.  In this part of the interview Megan talks to us about animals and pets, the political and religious structures of her book world, and whether she bases any of her characters on real-life people.  Megan talks about geography and maps a bit.  We also talk about how people go about choosing their careers and how Megan became a writer.

The interview can be found at the Mt. Kisco Library Podcast

Information about Megan Whalen Turner and her Queen's Thief series can be found here.


Have a happy and safe New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Should be a great interview. However, I can't access it. Can't listen to podcasts, I haven't acces to a audio. Any chance there is a transcript ot it?


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