
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wake, Fade, Gone Contest!

Love to Read for Fun, an awesome book blog, is doing a 100th follower give away of all three Lisa McMann books!  How cool is that! 

This is how she feels about Wake, Fade and Gone (and I definitely agree):

"Believe me, once you read Wake, you're going to want to immediately read Fade. Which means you'll want to immediately read Gone. That's how I felt when I finished Fade the other day. I can't believe I have to wait nearly a month to read the conclusion of Janie's story".

 To enter click here to fill out the entry form.
The Contest ends February 12, 2010
The winner will be contacted via e-mail and have 48 hours to respond.

The winner will be selected using

This contest is open to anywhere the Book Depository ships!

1 comment:

  1. It's so bad that The Book Depository doesn't ship to Brazil. Good luck to all people that can participate, though :)


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