
Friday, January 22, 2010

Wish ARC Giveaway!

In celebration of The Serpentine Library being up and running for 1 month, I would like to announce the Wish ARC Giveaway.

This is what's up for grabs:

Wish by Alexandra Bullen
Star Journal
A Bookmark
and some surprise goodies!

It’s super easy to enter:
+1 Make a comment telling me something you would wish for if you had three wishes.
+4 for being a follower of The Serpentine Library

Here are the “official” rules:
1. The Wish ARC Giveaway ends on Sunday, January 31st at midnight EST.
2. The winner will be announced Monday February 1st and will have 48 hours to contact me.
3. In the interest of safety and privacy, please don’t leave your email address in your comment.

Good Luck to everyone!


  1. +1 My three wishes would be:
    1. to have a brother or sister
    2. To have a best friend that you could tell everything too
    3. To be able to speak Japanese fluently!!

    +4 for following

    Thanks for holding the contest! Congrats on being up for 1 month!!!

  2. Wow, this a really good giveaway! I would absolutely love to win Wish, thank you for the opportunity :)
    I have so many wishes that it would be hard to just pick three. Hmm I would wish for no more world hunger, that someday I would have a bestselling book :), and that I had the power to read minds.
    (I'm also a follower, congratulations on your one month blogoversary!)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice giveaway
    If I had three wishs I would go to columbia university,become a successful writer and have a calm life.
    +4 follower

  5. I was just thinking about this today. I'd wish to be in perfect health, my mother to live closer, and to not have a fear of driving.

    +4 follower


  6. Thanks for entering! If I had three wishes, I would wish:
    1. for a larger book budget at the library (so we sould order more books)
    2. for my best friends to live closer
    3. and a cure for cancer.

  7. +1 Three wishes
    1. That everyone would just try to resolve differences through words
    2. Finish a novel
    3. My mom to live happily and healthily.

    +4 follower ;)

    thank you!

  8. Hmmmm, if I had 3 wishes thet would be...

    1.) For an infinite amount of (YA) books for my bookshelves
    2.) Go to England
    3.) Have a bottomless stomach where I could eat as much as I want and not gain a pound

    +4: Follower


  9. Great contest! Congrats on a month of blogging! I couldn't even think of a wish!!

    +4 I'm a follower :)

    inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com


  10. What an amazing giveaway! Wish sounds like such a good book. Enter me if this contest is international!

    If I had three wishes I would wish for a better, and fairer world. A stop to the global warming, and money. I know that sounds greedy, but life would be so much easier if I had some money!

    +1 Make a comment telling me something you would wish for if you had three wishes.
    +4 for being a follower of The Serpentine Library


  11. My three wishes:
    1. A bigger book budget so I could stock up.
    2. For the power to read faster. (Too many good books have come out close together!)
    3. To publish my own novel.

    +4 Follower

    Great Contest!


Thanks for commenting! Comments are like cookies; they should be made and shared often.

The Serpentine Library is an award free zone. I appreciate that you may want to pass along an award and I thank you for that. Blogging is about sharing a love for reading and books and I would like to make that this blog's first priority.