
Sunday, February 21, 2010

In My Mailbox (8)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme that talks about books that have been bought, swapped, received for review or borrowed from the library.

This week I bought:

The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin by Josh Berk (Alfred A. Knopf Books, February 9, 2010)

Summary from GoodreadsBeing a hefty, deaf newcomer almost makes Will Halpin the least popular guy at Coaler High. But when he befriends the only guy less popular than him, the dork-namic duo has the smarts and guts to figure out who knocked off the star quarterback. Will can’t hear what’s going on, but he’s a great observer. So, who did it? And why does that guy talk to his fingers? And will the beautiful girl ever notice him? (Okay, so Will’s interested in more than just murder . . .)

Those who prefer their heroes to be not-so-usual and with a side of wiseguy will gobble up this witty, geeks-rule debut.

I started reading this as soon as I got home from the bookstore and couldn't put it down! It is laugh out loud funny.

From the library:

The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan (Delacorte Press, March 9, 2010)

Summary from Goodreads: Gabry lives a quiet life. As safe a life as is possible in a town trapped between a forest and the ocean, in a world teeming with the dead, who constantly hunger for those still living. She’s content on her side of the Barrier, happy to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. But there are threats the Barrier cannot hold back. Threats like the secrets Gabry’s mother thought she left behind when she escaped from the Sisterhood and the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Like the cult of religious zealots who worship the dead. Like the stranger from the forest who seems to know Gabry. And suddenly, everything is changing. One reckless moment, and half of Gabry’s generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry only knows one thing: she must face the forest of her mother’s past in order to save herself and the one she loves.

Our library copy came in early and since we are not allowed to put it on the shelf until the release date (March 9th), I asked if I could take it home for the weekend.  Okay, I had to do a little begging and much promising to bring it back on Monday.  But that begging was worth it!

What goodies did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Great books you got this week. I cannot wait to read The Dead Tossed Waves. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  2. They both look amazing. Enjoy reading them!!

  3. Awesome books this week. I haven't read The Forest of Hands and Teeth yet, but it's in by TBR pile somewhere :) Happy Reading!

  4. These both look really good! I hope you enjoy them :o)

  5. Ooh both books look really good! That's so cool, I really want to work at a library! Happy reading :)

  6. Hi!
    Great books! Love the book covers on both. I'll have to check them out. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  7. Great books! I've heard good things about the Dead Tossed Waves. Hope you enjoy your books!

  8. Omg! Your library is like the best library in the world ever if it has a advance copy of The Dead Tossed Waves! My library is terrible. It only has like 3 books in the YA section :S Anyways, happy reading :)

  9. hamburger halpin looks soooo good!! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your books!

  10. Great books this week! I hope you enjoy them! :D

  11. These both look great! Happy reading.
    Alayne - The Crowded Leaf.

  12. You are so lucky to get The Dead Tossed Waves early! I hope you enjoy it!

    Here is what's in my mailbox this week.

  13. The Dead-Tossed Waves!!! Oooh, I'm excited to see your review of it!

    Happy reading! :)

  14. You're so luck you get to read Dead Tossed Waves early!

    And yay Dark Days Of Hamburger Halpin!

  15. I find Dead Tossed Waves appealing. It will be itneresting to see what is said about it. The cover is kinda creepy. Enjoy your books. Here's Mine.

  16. I really like the whimsical little cover of Hamburger Halpin -- so cute! That's another one on my TBR pile. :)


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