
Friday, April 9, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jenn at Crazy-For-Books.  It's a fun way for book bloggers and readers to connect and find new blogs they may have not known about.  So "hop on" (bad pun, but I couldn't resist) over to Crazy-For-Books and check out some new to you blogs.

This is my first time participating in the Book Blogger Hop, so I can't wait to find some more blogs to read.  If you found my blog through the Hop, Welcome!  And thanks for taking the time to stop by.  Feel free to look around and leave your blog name and url in the comments and I will come by for a visit :-)


  1. Thanks for the visit - and the compliments on my blog! :-) I am your newest follower!

  2. Found you on the hop. I really like the books you review. Glad to find someone else in this genre :) You can check my blog out here.

  3. I came by on the Blog Hop. I really like the design of your blog. I am a librarian and work in a Curriculum Materials Library. I love my job and have a constant supply of books :-)

  4. Dropping by from the Hop! Your site looks lovely, I've decided to follow! :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog on your way through the hop and leaving a comment. It was greatly appreciated!

    I just love your blog. I'm now a new follower.

    Thanks again!
    Tweezle from Just One More Paragraph

  6. I found the Hop today! Great idea!

    Harvee's latest post, Sunday Salon

  7. just discovered you on the Blog Hop and am now following. It's awesome you are a librarian..looks I will be consulting you for reads!
    -Nickee aka


Thanks for commenting! Comments are like cookies; they should be made and shared often.

The Serpentine Library is an award free zone. I appreciate that you may want to pass along an award and I thank you for that. Blogging is about sharing a love for reading and books and I would like to make that this blog's first priority.