
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday - Wolven

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine

Wolven by Di Toft
Published by Chicken House (Scholastic)
On Sale Date:  June 1, 2010

Summary from AmazonWith his big snaggly teeth, patchy black fur, and glowing golden eyes, Woody is far from the cutest of dogs, yet Nat is strangely drawn to the rough mutt that howls at the moon. And before long Nat discovers that Woody's not a dog at all--he's a wolven: a shape-shifter who changes from wolf to boy without much warning. A secret government agency knows about Woody's mutant status, too, and wants to trap him and turn him into a hairy new breed of bioweapon. To escape capture, and to make sense of Woody's strange identity, the two friends--boy and werewolf--set off on a great adventure.

I read about Wolven in Kirkus Reviews and the review sounded so fun, that I had to find a picture of the cover.  After seeing the cover, I was sold (that face is just too adorable!) and put Wolven on the list of books to be ordered for the library.  I think that Wolven was published in the UK last year (and a sequel will be published this month), but it won't be on sale in the US until June.  Definitely more of a middle grades book, the summary sounds like it will interest fans of the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson and the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.  And of course, it involves werewolves so it might also interest older readers as well.

What are you "Waiting On" this Wednesday?


  1. It does sound fun! I think my students would really like this one. Good pick!

  2. I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds awesome! Great pick :D

  3. What a fantastic cover and it sounds perfect for my middle school audience. Thanks for brining this to my attention.

  4. That cover cracks me up. Look at that wolf, that's so cute! Nice pick!

  5. Aww what a CUTE cover! Great pick. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  6. I'm sold after seeing the cover too!! This one looks awesome!

  7. Such a cute face! This sounds like a fun book.

  8. That sounds like a great book! I am definitely going to have to keep an eye out for this one.

  9. Aw, I was in as soon as I saw the cover! And the premise just seals the deal. Awesome WoW!

  10. I have to agree with everyone, the cover for this book is sooo cute! I like that the werewolf is called a mutant, and even though the supernatural and top of the line technology are commonly used in plots as "weapons," I don't get tired of it! Sounds like an awesome adventure book!


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