
Sunday, September 5, 2010

My First Vlog - AKA My Review Process

Last weekend, Adele from The Persnickety Snark did a vlog about how she writes reviews.  She invited other bloggers to accept her challenge and talk about how they write their reviews.  I've been wanting to do a vlog for awhile and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  So, since it's my first vlog, I would love some constructive criticism...good or bad I want to hear, so plase don't hold back!  And if you post anout your review process leave me a link.

Happy Reading!!


  1. I actually liked your vlog! I think it's interesting that you post in Word first before using blogger. I can't do that, I just don't feel the same inspiration, ha ha.

    I do handwrite my reviews first too, though and highly agree with creating a hook.

  2. Wow, I think your vlog taught me that I am not nearly as thorough and organized a reviewer as you are! I am impressed. My process is haphazard and never the same for any book. I dog-ear pages, write notes in random places, take as long as two weeks to get around to finishing a review...yeah. Sometimes it amazes me that I can actually maintain a blog week in and week out. Loved your vlog; hope to see more in the future!

  3. @April - I had this English teacher who would makes redo any papers and assignments if she found more than 3 spelling or grammar mistakes, so that experience made me very OCD about grammar and spelling. Word just has the added bonus of grammar check. I hate losing all of the formatting when everything gets transfered over though.

    @Kris - I'm really not that organized! There are plenty random notes written on scraps of paper that end up getting stuffed into the notebook, especially if something pops into my head at work. I tend to use post its and flags because I have an aversion to dog eared pages...just don't like them. And sometimes it takes me weeks to write reviews too, Bloom took almost a month!


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