
Monday, February 14, 2011

Guest Post: Roz's Ten Rules of Love and Friendship

Happy Valentine's Day!
In honor of Valentine's Day, Roz from My Invented Life has stopped by to share her rules of Love and Friendship

Roz’s Eleven Ten Rules of Love and Friendship:
10. Never paint your nails with a dog in your lap. Dog hair + nail polish = ugh

9. Treat your friends like you want to be treated. Use only classy practical jokes on them. Classy pranks almost never involve over-sized underwear or superglue, btw.

8.When things go wrong, only resort to Shakespearean insults, you unchin-snouted moldwarp! Your friends will appreciate it.

7. Never go after your friend’s boyfriend. This applies to your sister’s boyfriend, as well. Even if he flirts first.

6. Before kissing your sister’s ex-boyfriend, make sure they have broken up for real.

6. I just found out that it’s not okay to go after your sister’s ex-boyfriend. Shakespeare led me astray. All is NOT fair in love and war.

5. If you care about a friendship, never give up on it. Remember, there’s a difference between persistence and stalking. Don’t be a clotpole.

4. A single “sorry” goes a long way. Especially if you mean it.

3. It doesn’t hurt to follow a “sorry” with chocolate or a cookie on a stick.

2. Stop doing the thing that made you have to apologize in the first place. Like acting like a boil-brained flirtgill. Stop going after your sister’s boyfriend.

1. If you are lucky enough to have a sister, treat her well. Better than you do now.

A big thank you to Roz for spending some time at The Serpentine Library today!

For more information about  My Invented Life  - A YA novel about sisters, secrets, and Shakespeare - visit


  1. I love this! Brilliant, and the links to Shakespeare were hilarious! So wanna read this book now!

  2. Great list. Never go after your friend’s boyfriend is indeed a good one! :)


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