
Friday, May 13, 2011

Character Interview - Garreth from Lemniscate

Today (err...Yesterday..) let's welcome Garreth from Angel Star and Lemniscate.

Welcome Garreth!!

1.       Can you explain what happens in Lemniscate in 10 words or less?
Teagan faces her darkest fears with surprising alliances.
2.       Now that you're Earthbound, what is one of your favorite thing to do with Teagan?
Never leave her side.

3.       If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go or what would you ?
Remember a Guardian can go anywhere – at least geographically. I can’t stray too far from Teagan though because it’s my responsibility to watch over her. I think picking a human activity would be a better question so I’m going to have to say a rollercoaster.

4.       What is your biggest fear?
Losing the greatest love of my life. If you recall, when a Guardian is corrupted, the human charge changes. It is similar when the situation is reversed. If anything were to happen to Teagan, everything I possess would be taken from me; every reason, every hope.

Published by Lands Atlantic Publishing
Publication Date: March 21, 2011
For Teagan, these last few months have been heaven on earth- especially now that Garreth, her boyfriend and guardian angel, is earthbound. But perhaps Garreth is becoming a little more human than either of them expected.

Now, Teagan must realize that her world is once again about to shift, as she questions the faith she held in others against those once considered enemies.

In this continuation of Angel Star, Lemniscate will draw you even deeper into the world of dark and light as Teagan realizes the angel who could possibly save them all is the one angel she feared the most.

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