
Thursday, June 2, 2011

BEA Recap

BEA was fun and tiring and jam-packed. Instead of doing a traditional recap, I thought it would be fun to talk about a few of the highlights (at least for me) and then some of the books I learned about at BEA; books I didn't know that much or anything about before last week.

Highlights (I'm not a picture person, so I have no pictures...sorry):

(But, if you want awesome BEA pictures head on over to Midnyte Reader, she's got pictures of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!)

1. Meeting so many bloggers. It's so great to be able to put faces to blogs and twitter handles. It also made standing in line (of which there were many) much more fun.

2. Getting to meet a lot of authors. I even got to meet Sarah Rees Brennan! It was very close to the end of the day on Tuesday and she was standing will Ally Carter, I felt sorry about interrupting their conversation, but they were both so very nice. I think I nattered on about how excited I am for The Demon's Surrender.

3. The YA Editors Buzz Panel - Listening to editors talk about books they have spent so much of their time and energy on and that they love, made me excited to read all five of the books discussed. Two of them, (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone), I was already eagerly waiting for. Except, they showed a new cover for The Daughter of Smoke and Bone (right there on the left). Isn't is so pretty and mysterious...

4. Getting away from the Javits to have relaxing lunches with new bookish friends. As fun and crazy as BEA was, it was a relief to get away from the exhibit floor.

And the most important part New Books, I didn't know about before BEA:

(sounds like it could be an episode of ALIAS, you know, with teens)

 Down the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham 
(Yes, that's Bill Willingham of FABLES fame!)

 Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
(set in Ireland, more books need to be set there)

Tuesdays At The Castle by Jessica Day George
(a Middle Grades fantasy that sounds awesome!)

You Are My Only by Beth Kephart
(which sounds hauntingly sad)

Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby
(another Middle Grades fantasy, this time with a Nordic twist)


  1. I'm really excited to read Au Revoir. I had not heard anything about that title at all but then bam, it sounds so good.

  2. Delighted to see The Carrier of the Mark on your post. *cue happy dance*

    Thanks so much for the mention.


  3. Nice highlights. It was nice to have lunch with you too. Just found out from this post about even *more* books! Aaaa! It will never end! (Thank goodness.)


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