
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday - Try Not To Breathe

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine

Try Not To Breathe by Jennifer R. Hubbard
Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Publication Date: January 19, 2012

A dark and provocative novel from the author of The Secret Year. 

Ryan spends most of his time alone at the local waterfall because it’s the only thing that makes him feel alive. He’s sixteen, post-suicidal, and trying to figure out what to do with himself after a stint in a mental hospital. Then Nicki barges into his world, brimming with life and energy, and asking questions about Ryan’s depression that no one else has ever been brave enough—or cared enough—to ask. Ryan isn’t sure why he trusts Nicki with his darkest secrets, but that trust turns out to be the catalyst that he desperately needs to start living again.

Jennifer R. Hubbard has created a riveting story about a difficult but important subject. (Summary from Goodreads.)

I loved Jennifer R. Hubbard's debut novel The Secret Year, it was one of my first blog reviews and I remember being drawn in by Colt and Julia's story. Colt, especially, struck me as this character who was so much more than what other people saw or wanted to see in him. So, I'm very excited to read about Ryan and Nicki. And plus the cover - the waterfall in the background and the bluish hue - love it!

What book are you eagerly waiting for?


  1. Wow, this book looks so awesome!!!! I've never heard of it before, but it's definitely on my TBR list now!! Thanks for sharing this one :)

    Here's my WoW!

  2. This sounds like a great book! I haven't read any of Jennifer Hubbard's books yet, but I like the synopsis of this one. Great pick!

  3. this sounds really deep. thank you for sharing!

  4. I've not heard of this book. Sounds like an intriguing book. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour Books of Love Blog. New follower.

  5. Great choice!

    My WoW:

    Also, check out my new meme, Before the Blog:


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