
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Character Tweets - Characters from Frost

Twitter - such a fun way to keep up to date on what's going on in the blogging world and a great way to connect with bloggers, librarians and authors. Plus, it's a fun way to talk about books. But what about the characters? Have you ever wondered what it would be like if some of your favorite characters were on Twitter? What types of things would they tweet about, who would they be twitter friends with?

Marianna Baer, the author of  Frost, has provided the following Twitter conversations between Leena, Abby, Viv, David and Celeste. (spoiler free, of course, but if you haven't read Frost yet, what are you waiting for?)

Leenabobeena: Last coat of stain on new bookshelf! Bags packed! Can it be Sat already???

AbbyOhDear: @Leenabobeena So organized! Can't even find my bags. But moms baking up a storm. Be hungry!

VivParkerWhite: @Leenabobeena @AbbyOhDear In the Athens airport. Horoscope says good day for journey. Phew.

AbbyOhDear: @VivParkerWhite @Leenabobeena Yes, phew! I was all aflutter, waiting to hear.

Leenabobeena: @VivParkerWhite @AbbyOhDear You check with Orin, Viv? Horoscope might not be accurate enough. ;)

VivParkerWhite: @Leenabobeena @AbbyOhDear Ha. Ha. Speaking of Orin, can’t wait to show our you-know-whats!!!

AbbyOhDear: @VivParkerWhite @Leenabobeena Dear god, please tell me you didn’t get a tatt of your astrologer’s face.

Leenabobeena: @VivParkerWhite @AbbyOhDear SHHHHH!!!!! No discussion!!!!!!

VivParkerWhite: @AbbyOhDear You’ll have to wait and see! :P

AbbyOhDear: @Leenabobeena @VivParkerWhite You guys remember if there's a fridge in the common room? Or is Frost House too old to even have electricity?

Leenabobeena: @VivParkerWhite @AbbyOhDear Very funny. Yes there's a fridge. And microwave. And even indoor plumbing!

AbbyOhDear: @Leenabobeena @VivParkerWhite Shocking! I guess we might survive living there.

Leenabobeena: @VivParkerWhite @AbbyOhDear Can't believe we finally have singles. Halleluja!

KatetheGreat: @Leenabobeena HEY!!! I can hear you, Leena Thomas! You saying you don't want me back??

Leenabobeena: @KatetheGreat No!! Of course not. Will be terribly lonely til you return! Will hate having single! :)

KatetheGreat: @Leenabobeena Sure, sure. I won't let the door hit me on the way out.

Leenabobeena: @KatetheGreat Don’t worry! We won’t have fun without you, K. Viv, Ab and I will be waiting in Frost when you return! Promise.


ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing Hey, you’re online? You okay? Why aren’t you answering phone/texts?

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Because I’m dead and they only have wifi, not cell service, in heaven.

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing Heaven? Really? I’d always thought…

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Good point.

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing Sooo…..?

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Phone is out of charge. Charger at home. Nurse brought be laptop to use.

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing I’ll bring charger today. You got a delivery. Big box from someplace called Re-evolution?

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Great. Pigeon skeletons I ordered. Can you put with stuff to go to school?

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing And Barcroft called. You’re living with someone named Leena Thomas in a dorm called Frost House.

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Leena? Huh. Never heard of Frost. Weird.

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing You know her? This a problem?

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Living with anyone is a problem. You’ll like Leena. She’s hot.

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing Not my main concern with your roommate. You okay living with her?

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar We were lab partners last year and both survived. I guess we’ll make it through this.

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Strange I’ve never heard of dorm. Frost? You’re sure?

ThisDavidLazar: @Celestialbeing Yup. Frost. On Highland St.

Celestialbeing: @ThisDavidLazar Still don’t know. Whatever. How bad could it be?

A big thanks to Marianna Baer and her cast of characters!

Leena Thomas’s senior year at boarding school begins with a shock: Frost House, her cozy dorm of close friends, has been assigned an unexpected roommate: confrontational, eccentric Celeste Lazar. But while Leena’s anxiety about a threat to her sanctuary proves valid, it becomes less and less clear whether the threat lies with her new roommate, within Leena’s own mind, or within the very nature of Frost House itself. Mysterious happenings in the dorm, an intense triangle between Leena, Celeste, and Celeste’s brother, and the reawakening of childhood fears, all push Leena to take increasingly desperate measures to feel safe. Frost is the story of a haunting. As to whether the demons are supernatural or psychological . . . well, which answer would let you sleep at night?

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