
Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview with Kiki Hamilton

I'm really excited to have Kiki Hamilton on the blog today. I love The Faerie Ring ... the setting (Victorian London), the characters (Tiki, Reiker, the princes...), the twisty plot...time for me to stop so you can read what Ms. Hamilton has to say...

The cover of The Faerie Ring is gorgeous.  Thank you so much!  I love it too! J What was the cover design process like? Did you have any input in the final design?
 I was very fortunate that my awesome editor, Susan Chang, did ask for my input at the very beginning of the design process, because I know most of the time, authors don’t get to give any input.  I gave her a list of things that I thought were important and some examples of covers I loved and did a few (very poor) mockups of my own.  Then she and the very talented Tor art director, Seth Lerner, took it from there.  And then I had to WAIT six months!!  I was SO THRILLED when I saw the cover because I think it is absolute perfection for the story.  And I’m happy to say that they included everything I asked for, down to the smallest detail! Thank you Susan and Seth!! J

Why Victorian London as the setting? How did you research the Victorian Era for The Faerie Ring?

I loved writing about Victorian London. It is one of my favorite time periods  - such a mix of technological change while at the same time belief in mysticism and the Otherworld was very strong.  I also love the idea of stories from the past slipping through the cracks, the untold story, if you will – the kind that if we all knew  - everything would change.  I did a lot of research online, but I’ve also found some great resource books that talk about life in that specific time period in London and give lots of great details.

I found the shifts in point of view interesting, how did you decide which characters' points of view to write from?
I like reading from two different perspectives and it’s always fun to figure out whose point of view to juxtapose from that of the main character.  It couldn’t have been any of Tiki’s family, as their perspective wouldn’t add any new information, for the most part.  Rieker needed to remain a mystery, so I didn’t want to write it from his POV. Prince Leopold, on the other hand, had a vested interest in the stolen ring and a completely different perspective on the event as well as his view on life and London, so he was a natural pick to share his thoughts.

How do you choose names for your characters?
To be honest, there isn’t a scientific process – it’s more of a gut thing. I knew Tiki’s nickname before I knew her real name. Though I have been known to change names, they usually come easily to me and are one of the first things I know about my characters.

I love hearing about books authors are looking forward to reading. What are 3 or 4 books from your to be read list that you just can't wait to read?
Ohmigosh…the towering TBR pile….I’m starting Amber Argyle’s WITCH SONG next, then Josie Bloss’ FAKING FAITH. I’m also very excited to read Kendare Blake’s ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD  - I’ve heard lots of great things about that one!!

A big thank you to Kiki Hamilton and Tor! For more information on Ms. Hamilton and her books visit her website

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