This is my first week participating in Flannel Friday. I've only been flanneling (is that a word?) or sharing flannel board stories/activities during story time for a few months. The flannel sets have been well received so far and I'm hoping to continue sharing at least one during each story time.
The flannel board set I'm sharing today came to being because I was looking for something silly for next week's story times. It is the last week before Summer Reading starts for us and I wanted something low key and fun. I spotted 5 Pretty Flowers in Finger Tales by Joan Hilyer Phelps and thought it was a perfect fit.
5 Pretty Flowers
5 pretty flowers
In the meadow grew.
"Hmm," I said.
"I bet they smell pretty too!"
I bent down to sniff,
But they tickled my nose!
Ah-choo! Oh no! (with playful exaggeration)
Away 1 flower blows
Continue with 4, 3, 2, 1...
I'm hoping the children think this is as fun as I do! I'm also planning on bringing a box of tissues, just in case our pretend sneezing turns into the real thing!
Finger Tales also includes a pattern for a sneezing elephant that I might include the next time I share 5 Pretty Flowers. It is awfully cute, but I ran out of gray felt.
This week's Flannel Friday Roundup is being hosted by Sarah at Read It Again!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Top 10s List with Hilary Weisman Graham
Top Ten Places To Take a
Road Trip To
The National Parks
of Utah, Montana, Idaho, & New Mexico (A trip I just so happen to be taking
with my family this summer. Yay!)
Cotsa del Sol (the
southern coast of Spain) through Lagos, Portugal (I did this trip with my
sister and a friend when I was 19.)
Burning Man – an
eclectic arts festival in the Black Rock Desert, NV. (A mind-blowing
celebration of creativity and freedom of expression. I’ve been three times & I want to go
Route One in
California (Drive the coastline from San Francisco to Los Angeles at least once
in your life. Gorgoeus!)
The Amalfi Coast,
Italy. (My husband and I did this stunning
drive when we’d only been dating a year.
Very romantic.)
Cross Country—coast
to coast. I never quite did this trip,
but I did once travel from Boston, MA to Juarez, Mexico with four of my
girlfriends while shooting a movie along the way.
The Scottish
countryside. My husband and I spent many
days of our honeymoon rambling through the rolling hills on tiny, one-lane
Sapporo, Japan. Japan’s more of a train-taking culture, and
though I’ve been there twice, I’ve never been to the island of Sapporo and
really want to go.
Australia –
anywhere. I’d love to rent an RV &
just send two months exploring.
10. Hawaii – a friend who lives in Maui just started a
company where you can rent fully-tricked out, wifi-enabled vintage VW vans
(just like the Pea-Pod in REUNITED!) and tool around the island. I’ve never been to Hawaii and I totally want
to go do this.
Hilary Weisman Graham is an award-winning filmmaker, screenwriter, and novelist. She lives in rural New Hampshire with her husband and son, roughly thirty minutes away from the nearest grocery store.

Friday, June 1, 2012
Library Chick Storytime
a few hours old |
This year we incubated 10 eggs and 9 of them hatched! Five of them hatched overnight and were waiting in the incubator all fluffy and adorable when we came in. The other four hatched throughout the day and we even got to witness most of the hatchings. We were quite surprised with the 90% success rate, but happy that we had so many chicks for our patrons to visit. The chicks lived in the children’s reference office for a week after they hatched, by the end they were getting too big for the small space and were brought to a local farm to live an organic, free range life.
helping out at the reference desk |
It was a great experience all around, even if days 20 and 21 of incubation were nerve wracking with too high humidity and even higher temperatures. And, I have to admit that we did spoil our chicks, all named after book characters, by hand feeding them, letting them run around the office, and having them hang out at the reference desk.
focus of last week was our chick themed storytimes. We held three of them; two
for the toddler and preschool set and one for all ages (which ended up being
our smallest session of the week).
Wednesday morning we read:
MinervaLouise by Janet Morgan Stoeke
TillieLays an Egg by Terry Golson
An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston, illustrated by Sylvia Long
we sang songs like:
I’m a little chicken (to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot) - lyrics are about halfway down the page
you’re a chicken and you know it... (Just like, "If you're happy and you know It!"
Chicken Pokey
well as favorites like, Old MacDonald, Wheels on the Bus, and Zoom Zoom Zoom.
also brought out the flannel board, I’ve just recently gotten into flannel
boarding and I try to do at least one flannel story or poem during my storytime
with the bird theme, we sang Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play using flannel pieces
and then "Ten Fluffy Chickens," which I found on Mel’s Desk in one of her Flannel Friday posts,
where she had a link to Storytime Katie’s felt version.
Too adorable! And relatively easy to make, once I figured out how to make the
baby chicks.
be honest the kids were more excited for the chicks, which were brought out
after the "Good Morning Song," than for the songs or the books. The songs were
more successful than the books by far and the highlight was getting to pet one
of the chicks.
back, I can see a few things that could have been changed. But, since this was
a “special” storytime, we had a lot of first timers and also a lot of teeny
tinies (the under 12 months set). Not everyone was familiar with our storytime
expectations and we in turn had to be flexible. It didn’t help that we had
scheduled Kindergarten visits for the same day. We didn’t have the eggs yet
when the dates were picked for the visits, so we couldn’t anticipate which day the
eggs would hatch or when we would be having chick storytimes. But, it was a bit
overwhelming. The day ended up going fine, but I will strive to be more careful
next year when scheduling class visits.
seemed like everyone had fun and that was really the most important part.
On Wednesday afternoon we had our smallest turnout with only 2 kids and 2 parents. This was the all ages storytime and we really thought more people would come. It was also the session when the reporter for the local Patch news site decided to visit. And while we were happy that the chicks were newsworthy, we wished he stopped by the morning session when there were 20 excited storytimers with their parents/caregivers.
We also put up a display of other chick/chicken related books for patrons to check out.
On Wednesday afternoon we had our smallest turnout with only 2 kids and 2 parents. This was the all ages storytime and we really thought more people would come. It was also the session when the reporter for the local Patch news site decided to visit. And while we were happy that the chicks were newsworthy, we wished he stopped by the morning session when there were 20 excited storytimers with their parents/caregivers.
did a repeat of
Lays an Egg and Minerva Louise
we added Chicks Run Wild by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen, which has a great rhyme
and was perfect for a tandem reading; the other children's librarian is so much better at voices than I am, so it was fun to have her read the mama chicken's lines.
morning brought the last of our chick themed storytimes and since we didn’t
know how many kids from Wednesday would come back (a lot of our regulars
normally come to both Wednesday and Thursday sessions) we pulled:
A Friend for Minerva Louise by Janet Morgan Stoeke
Run Wild by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Hurry!Hurry! by Eve Bunting
Stuck in the Mud by Jane Clarke
We also put up a display of other chick/chicken related books for patrons to check out.
was the craziest of all the storytimes! We had some very enthusiastic children
who wanted to dance and sing (which is normally awesome, but not when there are four little chicks running around!). The chicks were also at their most intrepid.
had outlined a small square using colored tape, which was supposed to be the
chicks’ space. During the first two storytimes the chicks sort of huddled
together and cheeped, walked around a little, but mostly stayed in the square.
On Thursday, they started walking all around the program space! It became more
a matter of chick control than actual storytime. There were a couple of close calls
– the chicks almost being stepped on and one of the chicks attempting to run
behind one of the benches.
ended up reading only A Friend for Minerva Louise and Chicks Run Wild, and sang
some of the chicken related songs. We walked around with the chicks and then
ended storytime.
The chicks went to the farm on Thursday afternoon and while the children's room is much quieter without them, they are very missed.
This is the craziness that was Library Chick Storytime!
Does anyone have any storytime tips they would like to share or a chick/chicken related picture book they think would make a good addition to a storytime? I would love to read them!
This is the craziness that was Library Chick Storytime!
Does anyone have any storytime tips they would like to share or a chick/chicken related picture book they think would make a good addition to a storytime? I would love to read them!
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