
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Top 10s List with Hilary Weisman Graham

Top Ten Places To Take a Road Trip To

Glacier National Park, Montana

1.      The National Parks of Utah, Montana, Idaho, & New Mexico (A trip I just so happen to be taking with my family this summer. Yay!)

2.      Cotsa del Sol (the southern coast of Spain) through Lagos, Portugal (I did this trip with my sister and a friend when I was 19.)

3.      Burning Man – an eclectic arts festival in the Black Rock Desert, NV. (A mind-blowing celebration of creativity and freedom of expression.  I’ve been three times & I want to go back.)

4.      Route One in California (Drive the coastline from San Francisco to Los Angeles at least once in your life.  Gorgoeus!)

5.      The Amalfi Coast, Italy.  (My husband and I did this stunning drive when we’d only been dating a year.  Very romantic.)

6.      Cross Country—coast to coast.  I never quite did this trip, but I did once travel from Boston, MA to Juarez, Mexico with four of my girlfriends while shooting a movie along the way.

7.      The Scottish countryside.  My husband and I spent many days of our honeymoon rambling through the rolling hills on tiny, one-lane roads.

Sapporo during the Snow Festival

8.      Sapporo, Japan.  Japan’s more of a train-taking culture, and though I’ve been there twice, I’ve never been to the island of Sapporo and really want to go.

9.      Australia – anywhere.  I’d love to rent an RV & just send two months exploring.

10.  Hawaii – a friend who lives in Maui just started a company where you can rent fully-tricked out, wifi-enabled vintage VW vans (just like the Pea-Pod in REUNITED!) and tool around the island.  I’ve never been to Hawaii and I totally want to go do this.

Hilary Weisman Graham is an award-winning filmmaker, screenwriter, and novelist.  She lives in rural New Hampshire with her husband and son, roughly thirty minutes away from the nearest grocery store. 

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with PCH. We drove from San Diego to was quite memorable.


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