
Friday, September 21, 2012

Flannel Friday: Baseball

I really wanted to to incorporate some type of baseball related flannel board into the Fall Sports story time I did last week. But, I was at a loss for how exactly to accomplish this. But, while planning another story time session, I came across this post at Story Time Secrets about Squirrels.

Katie mentioned Melissa Depper's Down Around the Corner rhymes at Mel's Desk. Melissa mentions that one adaptation of the rhyme could be about baseball caps at a store. I took that idea and changed it around a little for my story time and ended up with:

Down around the corner at the sporting goods store
was a baseball hat and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
and they bought that hat and they took it away

Down around the corner at the sporting goods store
was a baseball mitt and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
and they bought that mitt and they took it away

Down around the corner at the sporting goods store
was a baseball bat and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
and they bought that bat and they took it away

Down around the corner at the sporting goods store
was a baseball and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
and they bought that baseball and they took it away

Down around the corner at the sporting goods store
was a baseball uniform and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
and they bought that uniform and they took it away.

To make the flannel board a little more interactive, I handed out the five "nickels" and used those story timers' names in the rhyme:

...Along came John with a nickel to pay...

Each child came up to the board and placed the nickel above the item they were purchasing. This was easily my favorite part of the Fall Sports story time. I'm hoping everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did!

(I just wanted to add that I found some great (free) clip art from Scholastic Printables that I was able to use as templates for the flannel pieces.)

This week's Flannel Friday Round-Up is being hosted at Rain Makes Applesauce.


  1. Yay baseball. Such lovely pieces you've made. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yankees fan here...hurray for sports in story time. AND... you were at KidLit Con this weekend? We could have met! We should have met! Maybe we talked!
    ~ jane


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